中文 chinês
  • 洛皮塔瀑布 繁體中文 tranditional chinese洛皮塔瀑布
  • 洛皮塔瀑布 简体中文 tranditional chinese洛皮塔瀑布
葡萄牙文 Portuguese Explique estrangeira:

  • Lawpita cai no Rio Balu Chaung, local de maior aproveitamento hidroeléctrico de Myanmar
洛皮塔瀑布 洛皮塔瀑布 Pronunciada estrangeira:
  • [Luo4 pi2 ta3 pu4 bu4]

Inglês Explique
  • Lawpita Falls on the Balu Chaung river, location of Myanmar's biggest hydroelectric plant