中文 kinesisk
  • 惠子 繁體中文 tranditional chinese惠子
  • 惠子 简体中文 tranditional chinese惠子
那威文 Norwegian utenlandske Forklar:

  • Hui-zi også Hui Shi 惠施 [Hui4 Shi1] (ca 370-310 F.Kr.), politiker og filosofen av skolen av Logicians 名家 [Ming2 jia1] under de stridende staters periode (475-220 F.Kr.)
惠子 惠子 utenlandske Uttale:
  • [Hui4 zi5]

Norsk Forklar
  • Hui-zi also known as Hui Shi 惠施[Hui4 Shi1] (c. 370-310 BC), politician and philosopher of the School of Logicians 名家 [Ming2 jia1] during the Warring States Period (475-220 BC)