中文 Chinese Chinese
  • 塘沽區 繁體中文 tranditional chinese塘沽區
  • 塘沽区 简体中文 tranditional chinese塘沽区
荷蘭文 Dutch buitenlandse Leg:

  • Tanggu voormalig district van Tianjin, nu onderdeel van Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区 [Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]
塘沽區 塘沽区 buitenlandse Uitspraak:
  • [Tang2 gu1 qu1]

Engels Leg
  • Tanggu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區|滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]