中文 Cinese
  • 鍾繇 繁體中文 tranditional chinese鍾繇
  • 钟繇 简体中文 tranditional chinese钟繇
義大利文 Italian Spiegare estera:

  • Zhong Yao (151-230), ministro del Cao Wei 曹魏 [Cao2 Wei4] e noto calligrafo, ha detto di aver sviluppato il 楷書|楷书 script normale [kai3 shu1]
鍾繇 钟繇 Pronuncia estera:
  • [Zhong1 Yao2]

Inglese Spiegare
  • Zhong Yao (151-230), minister of Cao Wei 曹魏[Cao2 Wei4] and noted calligrapher, said to have developed the regular script 楷書|楷书[kai3 shu1]