中文 Cina
  • 托勒密 繁體中文 tranditional chinese托勒密
  • 托勒密 简体中文 tranditional chinese托勒密
印尼文 Indonesian asing Jelaskan:

  • Ptolemy, raja Mesir setelah partisi kerajaan Alexander Agung di 305 SM
  • Ptolemy atau Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), astronom Yunani Alexandria, matematikawan, dan pakar geografi, penulis dari Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成
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托勒密 托勒密 Pengucapan asing:
  • [Tuo1 le4 mi4]

English Jelaskan
  • Ptolemy, kings of Egypt after the partition of Alexander the Great's Empire in 305 BC
  • Ptolemy or Claudius Ptolemaeus (c. 90-c. 168), Alexandrian Greek astronomer, mathematician and geographer, author of the Almagest 天文學大成|天文学大成
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